Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting Down on the Farm!

This past weekend Caroline went to stay with my parents while Chris and I celebrated our anniversary... alone. Nana always spoils her and lets her have whatever treats she wants while she visits... This is what Nana's do, right?? Well my mom certainly found her calling because she rocks at it!! My parents moved into a cute little farm house on 9 acres that they gutted and remodelled. It's adorable and Caroline even has her own room decorated just for her.... built-in toy box and everything!

The pictures are out of order... but you get the picture.

Yummy! Blueberry pancakes and cartoons, a Nana's house special!

Apparently they really were THAT.GOOD!! Face first! Good thing bathtime came next!

Late afternoon play... Caroline has a bubble mower, which she loves. Here she realized that the bubbles were out. She's trying to "fix it"!;-)

Driving her car, all by herself. She learned how to hold down the "gas" button this past weekend instead of us using her handy dandy guiding stick! And off she went!!

Playing in the sprinklers! She loved it... bless her!

Run baby, Run! Caroline loves to be outside! Nana and papa indulge her and she spends practically the entire weekend outside when she goes for a visit.
She mows the grass too! I love her expression! So happy:-)

Mowing more of the grass with her own lawn mower....

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