Thursday, June 3, 2010

Au Revoir, Laptop!

A week or so ago, Caroline broke our laptop. With her love of holding all things heavy, she decided to throw our Dell off the bed to the floor. Needless to say, our laptop is kaput! Caroline was disciplined in an appropriate manner: time out, firm talking to, etc... and I think she got the point. For quite a while afterwards she was so embarrassed of her behavior that she kept clinging to me and trying to shield her eyes from sight. Like this...

I know the picture quality is horrible but: Pitiful. Broke a Mommy's heart. Obviously chunking the laptop was serious offense! I took this with just my lamp light while we were trying to wind down for bed.

I'm pretty sure our point hit home because the next day Caroline misbehaved and instead of me needing to put her in timeout, she did it herself! She hung her head and walked over to her timeout chair on her own and waited for me to come stand beside her. I have to say it; I was proud!

Either we are doing something really wrong, or we are doing something really right. Being a parent is HARD work! I second guess myself on a daily basis as far as discipline is concerned. What works for one child doesn't for the next. It's a learning process all the way around!

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