Saturday, June 12, 2010

Florence Fun... Wednesday

Since we live so close to my hometown we go back to my hometown every few weeks. We visit with my Mom and Grandparents and explore new parks and play areas... and the lake. We love the lake.: ) One of the many joys of being a stay at home Mommy... which is a complete misnomer- we never stay home!!!

After Gymboree, we jumped into our already packed car and headed home. It's a quick two hour jaunt and Caroline typically naps the whole time, or most of it, so I prepare her for her cuddly, cozy, sleepy time! Paci? Check. Stella? Check. Shoes off? Check.

And I just noticed that Stella is about halfway dressed... oops! : ) Caroline must have attempted to change her diaper...
Once we made the trek we went to visit Nana's office and to a local park with fountains to kill some time while Nana worked. Her business has started a new weight loss clinic and it is really taking off and people are seeing fabulous results... Go New Revolution!! This also meant we couldn't sneak away to run errands together... priorities, right??

After work we went to eat Mexican... which is a Florence only treat for me. My husband doesn't like Mexican food so Mother and I always indulge.... Caroline is definitely one of the girls because she loves it too! Something else she loves... Lemons:
I'll let her try pretty much anything that is safe. She makes this eww face, but she keeps going back for more. She likes sour things... definitely like her Mommy and Nana on this one!
She WOULD NOT leave her hair bow in her hair... She was showing off for everyone else in the restaurant by handing to anyone who walked by so I gave up. And ducked my head. Repeatedly.
She thinks she is a big girl with her own to go cup:

Months ago my Mother taught Caroline the cutest trick. She says," Caroline, how much does Nana love you??" and Caroline throws her arms out and does "THIISSSS MUCH!!!" It is adorable and I'm happy to finally have a picture of it!
Caroline received an invitation to a fun event at a local children's store at Nana's house. Everyone is invited to come in and dress-up like princesses. We plan to take Caroline in for the fun the next time we come to town.... after Father's Day. They rolled up the invite like a scroll and put a little plastic ring around it to hold it together.... This was great since Caroline has recently become fixated on my engagement ring! AHHH... if she lost that, Daddy would get her!!; ) Now Caroline has her own ring... which she has deemed, "pitty"

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