Saturday, June 19, 2010

Busy, Busy Week!

Our week was just a complete blur this past week! Between Dr's Appts, lunch dates, play dates, shopping for father's day, craft making for father's day, etc... we have been slam packed all day AND night long! Just the way we like it! I didn't take many pictures of all of our different adventures, but this is what we have to share:-)

This week we went to "The Beach" at Oak Mountain State Park. We had never been before so when one of our play groups decided to go, we jumped on board! For Birmingham Mommy's, it's fun... Caroline enjoyed the sand and we were able to build her first mini sandcastle. However I wasn't so sure about the water. I am somewhat spoiled since we have a pool in our backyard, but the fish and what not that we were swimming around with in the lake freaked me out a bit. I was just fine until one of the mom's in our group kept getting bit on the bottom while playing with her children. That was enough for me;-) It was too hot to stay out of the water for too long and I had a dentist appointment later in the afternoon, so we kept it short enough that it was still a positive experience.

Caroline was so exhausted from playing so hard in the sand and water that she was asleep long before we were out of the Park.
We did several craft projects this week, but the most important ones were the ones that we made for our loved ones for father's day! This is the card that Caroline(and Mommy) made for the Granddaddies and Great-Granddaddies to send with their cards from us.

The poem is "I'm happy you are my Granddaddy"... or "Great-Granddaddy"
I feel safe when you are with me
You show me fun things to do
You make my life much better
The Best Granddaddy I know is you!
I'm happy you are my Granddaddy
and so I want to say
I love you, Granddaddy, and wish you
a Happy Father's Day!
Caroline had fun making the hand print and sticking the stickers on the paper with a bit of guidance. I am entirely too type A to go too crazy with the paint, especially indoors since we were experiencing an afternoon thunderstorm while we were working on these. We "draw" and "paint" and play with stickers all of the time, but it is nice to have a purpose to our art work;-)
Ok, so my child has entered a trucker look-a-like phase! One of our friends went to St. Maarten recently and brought Chris back this hat. Caroline quickly decided it was meant to be hers and she will not keep it off of her head! It is nuts! She cries and throws a fit when I take it off and sometimes it just isn't worth the battle- I admit it!:-) With Caroline's uber-frizzy hair and eczema that makes her face look dirty 24/7, she has been looking a sight lately;-) An adorable sight to her Mommy, but a sight none the less!
As you can see, Caroline wasn't loving the camera last night. Also, you can see that she is wearing her puddle jumpers for the pool. We just brought them in from the deck and she HAD to wear them.
Nap time with the hat! I thought she had fallen asleep so I tried to take the hat off... huge mistake!!! She woke up crying grasping for her hat. Maybe we can transfer her fixation from this hat to other, cuter hats for our girl;-)

And we have a busy, busy weekend ahead! Hopefully I'll do a better job of taking pictures! I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!!:-)

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