Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Fun Day!

A day in the life! Today we went to have lunch with Chris at TJC and if you were watching his live feed you would have seen us eating some yummy Chick-fi.l-A and drinking lots of sweet tea! Caroline and I both love to go visit the team and listen to them talk shop. The people that Chris works with are so sweet about our LOUD toddler coming to visit and I am grateful for that... even if we do have to run out sometimes when she gets her panties in a ruffle!;-) After lunch, we went to this wonderful place:
Ahhh.. Hom.e Goods and TJ Max.x how I love the!! One of the best parts about living in Birmingham is that we have many, many of these stores. I love getting bargains when I am buying goodies for the house and today I got a few great deals! Yay! Every few years I tend to get tired of things and want to revamp and Home Goods always comes in in the clutch! Caroline was pretty good and of course we had to stop and talk to about half the store since my Social Butterfly kept telling everyone "Hey!!" "hey!" "HEYY!!!" until the stranger walking by was providing adequate attention to her. Sheesh! I almost feel sorry for people sometimes because she can be quite persistent! Since "" isn't really working just yet(not that I don't try!), I just have to go with it and hang my head as we speed past! ha! After a quick trip to the dry cleaners, to do my wifely duties(ha!), we made a quick jaunt to the park on our way home. When we pulled up Caroline squealed and started using her grabby hands to demand that I get her out, fast!

Caroline, where are we???

Ready. Set. GO!!!!

Remember how I was just bragging about my child's balance a day or two ago?? Yeah... as soon as she took off running she bit the dirt, and hard!! She was already up and running again by the time I could get to her so it must not have been too traumatic! ha!

Thanks to the many storms that we have had lately, Caroline was in her own personal heaven! Sticks and branches everywhere, including this big boy!!
Climbing the Jungle Gym... my little monkey!

The rash... poor baby...

Still not so sure about the swings... We just keep trying! Within seconds of getting in she wants OUT and fast! I don't think she likes the feeling of being suspended in air...

Well, how about we try it together then?!?..... Nope, that didn't work either...

So Caroline goes stomping off because her Mommy DARED to subject her to the horror that is swinging, even in Mommy's lap!

So "Mommy the Tickle Monster" had to use a diversionary tactic to try to get Caroline smiling again... Start tickle, tickling my girl! which she loves! ;-) She perked right up!!!

Hey Mom?! What's this?? And her previous unhappiness was long forgotten!

About halfway through playtime Caroline decided she wanted to sit down in my lap to rest... but this was short lived of course... she had more energy to burn!!!

Our baby showing off her musical skills by playing the drums with sticks on the slide!

Having so much fun...=)

Growing up so fast...
Spinning in circles until she gets dizzy...

Oh, Hi there Ms. Jenny...

And your sweet doggie Callie... Caroline L.O.V.E.S. dogs and Callie was sweet enough to let my wild child pet her. Hear that Daddy, Caroline loves Dogs:-)

Caroline was a bit shy at first....

But she warmed up a bit... and then gave a gentle pat to her new friend!
Thanks for stopping in for a visit, Ms. Jenny... and for not laughing too hard at this little Mommy running around in circles snapping these pictures;-)

Back at it for a few more minutes...

After telling Caroline that it was time to leave... I promise, she really does love me! This is what happens when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do... is it strange that I am already dreading the teenage years?!?

And... Home Sweet Home! All of a street over! We came home to a clean house today. Hooray!!!The house is clean, laundry is caught up, dishes are clean... now what am I going to do with myself this weekend?? Time for company!!! Who's ready to swim??;-)

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