Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet Moments...

Caroline is so sweet and cuddly when she wakes up from her naps. I love this about babies! The picture below really isn't that great, but for me this post isn't about the picture... it's about the moment.

Today after Caroline woke up from her nap she wanted to cuddle; I was happy to oblige. But today was special because while I was quietly talking to her about what we could do for the rest of the day, she looked up at me put her little palm against my face, smiled, and gave me a little kiss.

I melted on the spot. Absolutely lumped up!!!

I do this to her all of the time, it's my job to teach her to be affectionate and trusting, etc... but getting it in return is an entirely different thing. Have I mentioned I adore my daughter?? Just making sure in case that hasn't come across yet! ha! It really is the little moments that make a life. =)
ANNNDDD... I've mentioned Caroline's obsession with my hair. All I can say is thank goodness for the sweet moments, because sometimes the not so sweet ones HURT!!! haha!

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