Friday, August 20, 2010

Caroline's Favorites

Yo Gabba Gabba: She loves this show! She loves "yo, ba!" and frequently asks for it by name. They dance, sing, and teach new words through out the show... I'm not even going to comment on the scary guy on the far left. No idea who thought that was a good idea!!

Elmo: We have moved beyond our obsession with all things "Cars" and now it is all about Baby Elmo. Caroline sleeps with him, hugs and kisses him, serves him tea regularly, and takes him out to dinner with the family. He is practically a member of the family at this point!
Thumbprint Cookies: Purchased from Edgar's Bakery in Birmingham... YUM! Mommy is equally obsessed with these bad boys, but Caroline will stand and cry by the island and ask repeatedly for a "coooo keee" if she knows that we have a box up there. She says Yummmm over and over while eating them and savors each bite. Pretty cute stuff! I'm always happy to show her "no more!" once they are gone and she is usually very accepting of this. Until we have another box, that is!
Playing outside: If I would let her, she would play outside all day long! If it wasn't so extremely hot outside I would probably grant her her wish far more often. I am looking forward to fall so we can spend more time outdoors!
Bubbles: enough said:-)
Imitating Mommy: Caroline is absolutely my "mini-me". What I do, she wants to do. I cook, she sits on the floor watching with her own set of pans and spoons mimicking my every action. I read, she goes to get a book and sits in front of me with her face in the book....peeking around the edge to make sure that I haven't changed my position periodically. So sweet! If I try to take the book from her to read it to her, she has a fit. She just wants to be a big girl like Mommy!

1 comment:

Lisa N. said...

We love Yo Gabba Gabba, too! Landon loves to "dancey dance!" :) Caroline's curls are absolutely precious!