I previously mentioned that my BABY will be starting to MDO in September. I have mixed emotions about being apart from her for a few hours during the day, but I am loving getting her ready for "school". Please bear in mind that I am well aware that this is an extremely, amazingly trivial post... I cannot help myself. : )
This is Caroline's new Backpack and lunch box that she will be carrying to school with her everyday. I am in love! Those are pink whales, just in case you cannot tell. I ordered it from The Preppy Princess and loved that both pieces came individually wrapped... Caroline had just as much fun unwrapping her new goodies as she did giving it a "test run" around the living room! And how cute is it that it came with a personalized thank you note?? Thanks Preppy Princess for making this Little Mommy's Day! haha!
Park City Utah
2 years ago