Tuesday, August 19, 2008

29 weeks Appointment

Today I had my final monthly Dr's appointment for this pregnancy. My next appointment will be in 3 weeks, then we will move to every 2 weeks and finally weekly until she arrives! WOW!! We are still rotating through the practice, meeting the other doctors that could potentially deliver our daughter. Overall, the appointment was non-eventful... thank goodness!
I did have an awkward moment in the waiting room as I was waiting to be called back. Today was pregnant lady day at my office apparently because there had to be 4 or 5 happy pregnant couples waiting to see their doctor's. Most of the women had belly's that were significantly larger than mine so I assumed that were on their final "weekly" appointments. After about 20 minutes of waiting a young couple walked in and she appeared to be as far along as I am. We had similar body frames and baby bumps. When the couple sat down beside me we began making polite conversation... "How has your pregnancy been?", "Is this your First?", "Which Dr. do you regularly see?"...etc... Then she asked me with great excitement, "So do you find out what you are having today too??". *Awkward silence* I realized that I never had asked her how far along she was, I had just assumed, and that she was obviously coming for her 20 week "big" ultrasound. I told her that I was actually in my 29th week, 7th month, and that I had known that I was having a girl for about 2 to 3 months. She sat there stunned and then blurted out, "Oh, no! I am going to be big as a house!!!" Poor thing! I proceeded to tell her that I had horrible morning sickness and had not gained as much as is considered normal... at least not yet!;-) I told her my time was coming and that I just had some catching up to do! Moral of the story, every pregnancy is different and NEVER make assumptions!!! AND Chris may be right in calling Caroline a "runt"... sweet little thing!
After talking with the Dr about my weight gain(2 pounds this past month- even though I am eating like a pig!;-)) she said that the ever present morning sickness and continuous heartburn/indigestion probably have something to do with my lack of overall weight gain and not to worry! That Caroline is, of course, getting all that she needs and that fretting about it will do no good. So we are keeping things just as they have been. When the Dr. measured my stomach today to make sure that she was progressing as she should be, Caroline kept kicking her. The Dr. would stop mid sentence and say "wow, she IS active" over and over. It was pretty funny! We just sat there for a moment watching my belly dance and the Dr. just laughed at her. Our little girl already likes to show off!! ;-)

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