Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chris' New Toy

For our 2 year anniversary I bought Chris a Playstation 3. We have never been interested in "video games", but I wanted to get him something he could have fun with and enjoy. When the Wii came out, I thought that would be something he would really enjoy. When I told Chris I was going to get him a Wii but that I was having a hard time finding one by our anniversary, he told me he would prefer the Playstation 3. He knew of a game that he had seen on TV that he thought he might like so a few nights later off we went to pick it up! So far we only have 2 games... Call of Duty 4(Chris' war game) and Sonic(my game). I remember Sonic from when I was a kid... I loved it! When I saw that there was a new Sonic for this game system I was excited. I really haven't played it yet, but hopefully it will be fun. Chris has really enjoyed Call of Duty, so if any of you wives out there are looking for something to give your husband or significant other, check it out! Chris really has spent most of his free time recently playing this game, which is bitter sweet. I'm glad he's enjoying it, but I miss my husband;-) haha! Soon the new will wear off and he won't be as interested in it, but for now he is glued to the screen like an 8 year old on Christmas Morning!

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