Tuesday, July 22, 2008

25 Week Dr.'s Appointment(updated)

We are officially in our 6th month of pregnancy... CRAZY! It seems like time is suddenly flying by and our little one will be here before we know it. I enter my third trimester in a little over 2 weeks! Wow!! Lately I have caught myself daydreaming about who our little one will be, how loud her cry will be;-), and what she will look like. Chris is blond-haired, blue-eyed. I am brunette-haired, brownish-green eyed. I have a blond-haired, blue-eyed little brother so it could happen! Genetically, Miss C had a lot to choose from!
In about a month we will go to our 4-D ultrasound. I think they are fascinating since you can literally see their sweet little facial features and watch them "breathe" and make faces. Technology is amazing!! I am really looking forward to getting an idea of what our girl will look like.;-)
In other news, I had my 25 weeks Dr's appointment today. I had to do the Glucose Tolerance/Gestational Diabetes test today which was no fun!! For those of you that don't know, they basically give you this 8 oz. bottle of flat, syrupy sweet orange liquid and tell you to chug it. UGH!! Then an hour after you drink it you have your blood drawn to see if your sugar levels come back high to assess how your body is processing sugars. We won't know the results for a few days, but I think I passed. I have heard horror stories of friends that have become physically ill or passed out after drinking "the juice" so I think part of me was expecting the worst. I handled it fairly well, I think.
The most difficult part was when they drew my labs. I also had my thyroid checked again at this visit so they drew 4 larger vials and 2 smaller vials. Having all of that blood drawn did make me feel a bit light headed, but I seriously don't think it was from the drink;-) I left Chris, who has never been a big fan of seeing blood being drawn, in the waiting room and I am so glad that I did. He seriously would have stroked out! hehe!! He was really sweet when I made it back out to the waiting room and helped me to the car. Such a good little husband, he is!
We had a relatively relaxed visit with the Dr.. Today we began rotating around through the practice in case my Dr is unable to deliver our baby. We will continue this for the next 3 Dr's appointments. The Dr. we met today was friendly and even laughed as Chris repeatedly referred to her as "Plan B".;-) the baby's heart beat was right on target, I measured perfectly, and the Dr. said she was happy with my weight gain. All in all, everything is moving along just as we hoped it would!
I will try to update when I get my results back from my Diabetes and Thyroid tests. Have a good week!!!

We got the results back from my blood work this past week. I came back negative for gestational diabetes and my thyroid was right where they wanted to see it during pregnancy. All is well! yay!!

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