Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's Potty Time!!!

Yep, it's that time! We are beginning to potty train Caroline- but no pressure AT ALL yet! For her 20th Month Birthday we decided to get her a potty and bring out the "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD that I found in the $5 bin when Caroline was tiny.

This is the potty that she picked out.... It's "Cars", of course! She had the choice between this and a pretty, pink princess one and she chose this one! When you push down the handle on the side it revs up... she loves that!
Initially we just played the DVD and sat on the potty and talked about what to do. Now I can ask her if she needs to go "potty"and she will tell me yes or no. She has gone a few times so far and she's very proud when she has accomplished her goal;-) She also loves the reward, M&M's. Other Mothers have told me it worked smashingly for them and so far so good for us. If Caroline says she doesn't want to go, I just tell her Ok and move on!
This was just after our first success:

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