Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Checking Email!

In the mornings after I get my coffee and Caroline has her milk, I check my email and read the news online while Caroline typically watches Dora, Jungle Junction, Elmo, etc... whichever she prefers.

But a few mornings ago, I looked to the floor beside me and this is what I found. Caroline working on her "laptop" that Aunt K gave her for her 1st Birthday. She created a little desk with a pillow. It's cute, but I have to admit that it made me feel a bit guilty. I know she was just wanting to do what Mommy was doing, and all children do that. I just hope she doesn't see me do this too often and I am trying to be more mindful of time spent in front of the laptop.

Come to think of it though, Caroline also jumps on the floor with me when I do my crunches most days. She can't really do the crunching action but she scoots up really close to my side or sits on my stomach to play... So I probably shouldn't be so hard on myself.... My little Mini-Me!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha. Love it!! Can't wait for my Big and Lil C fix tomorrow!!