Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

While last year was technically Caroline's first Christmas, she had absolutely NO CLUE what was going on. She was not yet 2 months old and just a sweet cooing blob. This year was a different story. She understood very little about Santa but she did understand that she was spending lots of time with her quite large family. She also loved the presents she received, but I don't want that to become the focus of Christmas for her. I made a big deal about our Christmas tree and lights around the house and in the neighborhood. We drove her around the neighborhood at night a few times and she would "OOOooo" (which sounds more like a Moooo, like "ewwww") when she would see the lights.

The Wednesday night before Christmas we went to Florence to visit with the Fam. We watched 4 Christmases, which was cute, and talk, talk, talked for hours. On Christmas Eve the festivities began. Christmas with small children is so much fun! Caroline went absolutely wild over her Christmas presents from Nana and my dad(grandfather name TBD) Lots of ohhs and ahhs! I was gifted clothes(my favorite!) and Chris was given lots of Alabama goodies.

Christmas Eve night we always go to my Aunt Linda's house and I look forward to visiting with everyone all year long. Unfortunately, Caroline hit a new milestone and got her first antibiotic for Christmas... Sad! This is her first true sickness. She is such a trooper and you would never know that she was even slightly under the weather by her behavior. She did, however, sleep the entire time we were at our Christmas Eve dinner. We have tons of kids in the family that wanted to play with "the baby", bless their hearts! After dinner it was time to get on the road and head home for Santa's visit!
We have begun a new Carter Family Tradition. We will be hosting the Christmas Morning celebration at our house and everyone is invited! Both sides of the family, everyone that can be in Birmingham and that want to join us. It's important to me that Caroline wake up in her own bed on Christmas morning. Christmas Eve Night my family trudged down to Birmingham so that we could be together.

On Christmas Morning we took it easy. I noticed that Santa Clause came to visit after we slept in. I couldn't sleep the night before, wonder why?? ;-) We did take advantage of the fact that Caroline was fairly clueless and let her watch some Disney while I worked on breakfast and got her ready for the big reveal. We opened presents as a family and Caroline loved opening all of her goodies. I do think that she was a bit overwhelmed by all of the books and musical toys. But overall, she really enjoyed the tradition and playing with her uncle and Nana. I am really looking forward to next year when she is more aware of the magic of Christmas.
What Santa left:
She loved it!!!
My living room, the war zone!

Little Wild Thing!

Hi Again!!!

I realize that I have only blogged twice in the past year... but I may still pop up in some of your Readers. In that case, hi again! Long time, no see! How's the Family?? Just teasing! ;-)
So, I need to pass some pictures of Christmas and Holiday adventures on to some friends and family and decided this would be the easiest, most effective course of action at this time. At this point in life, everything is about efficiency!

I wish, wish, wish that I was able to keep this blog up. I purchased an IPhone in June and have been emailing pictures and updates to family and friends through that medium. Caroline is a wonderful little girl, but she certainly keeps me busy. Free time is a thing of my past. I gladly give it up! I'm quite proud of our sweet little life.

My favorite thing about blogs is that they capture a moment in time... Honestly, I still go back and read the blogs I wrote before Caroline arrived every few months. Life is so different now, in virtually every way. I hope Caroline loves reading that snapshot of our life one day, as well.

So here goes nothing. Another try! For the family, for my daughter, for me.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and best of luck in the New Year!!! I will leave you with a picture of my little girl... not much of a baby anymore!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Stand Up!!!!"

Caroline is such a busy baby! If she's not asleep, she likes to "Go, Go, Baby Go!!" She wiggles, she giggles, she rolls, she kicks, she talks, she bounces. Fortunately, she finds Chris and I to be very entertaining and thinks that we are just hilarious. Our comedy act(We're funny?!?) will keep her still and happy on occasion. At 4 months old she actually prefers to be standing at all times. This may be where all of her Mommy's time is going to... being her full-time spotter!
She doesn't want to lay down, she doesn't want to sit up.... she wants to STAND UP!! So much so that we even made up a silly song about Caroline standing up. She recognizes it and is so proud of herself when she hears it- grinning from ear to ear! We recently got her a doorway jumper which she loves and happens to afford some free time to shower for Dear ole' Mom!

"STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dear Blog Buddies... you have been missed!!

There are just not enough hours in the day! I fully intended to keep this blog up, but time seems to be working against me. The last time I wrote I think I promised to be back soon, and I did have the BEST of intentions. But, alas, being both Mommy and Wifey have proven to be more time consuming than I had expected and I am still working on making some "Mommy time" during which I can blog. Not sure how you all do it... but I do want to continue here.

I think a large part of my problem is that I have the desire to go back and catch everyone up on the past 4 months BEFORE I continue on. Which would be a "days and days" of writing ordeal and honestly, isn't happening.=) So, I am starting from here and moving forward!!!

Please forgive me for being a bad blogger and know that while I've been gone I have been giving all of my energy to the star of my blog.... Miss Caroline!

Hope to see you soon!!! As I leave, here is a recent picture of Caroline... She's growing up so quickly! I already miss those sleepy baby-baby days but I've been soaking up every sweet minute!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top 10 Baby Must-Haves!!!

1. Miracle Blanket- when I first heard about this blanket, I thought this seemed like cruel and unusual punishment for babies. After meeting Caroline and seeing that she thinks her hands must constantly rub against her little face, I realized that keeping her swaddled tight at night was a must! It also keeps her from scratching her face and helps her understand when it is time to go to sleep at night.

2. Pampers Swaddlers- a MUST for breastfed babies! We all know that things can get pretty powerful down there and these diapers have saved a number of outfits from major damage;-)

3. Gripe Water- Caroline is a very good baby but sometimes she will get a stomach ache and nothing that this mommy does can make it feel better. This is when the Gripe Water comes in and saves the day!! It's all natural and soothes her little tummy. We rarely use it, but when we do it can be a life saver!

4. Wipe Warmer- From the day that Caroline came home from the hospital she has hated to have her diaper changed. The wipes are cold and more than anything she hates to be naked! What can I say?! She's a modest monkey... this makes mommy and daddy very happy;-) After a few days I remembered that we had been given a wipe warmer at a shower and once we began to use it, Caroline stopped fussing during her diaper changes... music to my ears!

5. Medela In Style Advance- After my recent surgery Caroline would not go back to nursing... she now prefers the bottle. Sad for me, but in order to offer Caroline the best nutrition possible, I pump full time. It's pricy, but I am so glad that we invested in a good pump, especially given our current circumstances! Get it, you won't regret it!

6. Playtex Drop-Ins Natural Latch Bottles- I knew from working in a day care that I wanted to use the Playtex system. There don't seem to be enough hours in a day as it is and I certainly don't have the time to wash a dozen bottles a day! Target even has generic bottle liners which can ease the cost of the disposable liners.

7. Huggies Lavender Nighttime Bath- It smells so sweet on our little girl!!! Caroline gets her bath at night, every night, I love cuddling her afterwards. There is nothing like a squeeky clean baby and the scent is our favorite!

8. Old School Cloth Diapers- I use these all day, everyday to clean up random baby mess! I go through half a dozen a day and you would be amazed by what needs to be wiped up!=)

9 Paci-Clip(s)- If you have a paci baby these are a definate must have! Caroline has one on at all times and honestly, I prefer the cute ones with her initals or other cute detail on them. This is so not a necessity, but it will help you to not lose pacis and you can instantly "pacify" your baby when needed!

10.Boppy Pillow- I used this at the hospital, I used this while nursing, I use this for tummy time and I use this to prop Caroline against. It goes everywhere with us!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome 2009!!!

For New Years this year Chris and I decided to have our first date night alone since Caroline was born! I surprised Chris by making plans with my Mom for Caroline to go to Florence for the night and Mom brought her back the next morning, so the withdrawls weren't too bad!=) She spent less than 24 hours away from me so it was actually a nice break and great for the two of us to have time to talk about something other than our little Caroline...since our world naturally revolves around her!

We went to Matt and Carla's house to ring in the New Year and had a great time actually talking to adults, outside of work...even if they are work buddies! Spending New Years together was nice since we spent it apart last year... Chris went Skiing in Colorado and I went out with the Girls! This year I got my "New Years Kiss"!!! I hope you had a Happy New Years!!!