Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Stand Up!!!!"

Caroline is such a busy baby! If she's not asleep, she likes to "Go, Go, Baby Go!!" She wiggles, she giggles, she rolls, she kicks, she talks, she bounces. Fortunately, she finds Chris and I to be very entertaining and thinks that we are just hilarious. Our comedy act(We're funny?!?) will keep her still and happy on occasion. At 4 months old she actually prefers to be standing at all times. This may be where all of her Mommy's time is going to... being her full-time spotter!
She doesn't want to lay down, she doesn't want to sit up.... she wants to STAND UP!! So much so that we even made up a silly song about Caroline standing up. She recognizes it and is so proud of herself when she hears it- grinning from ear to ear! We recently got her a doorway jumper which she loves and happens to afford some free time to shower for Dear ole' Mom!

"STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!"

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