Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Conservative Little Monkey

Well I went this morning to find out what Baby C is... and the jury is still out! Our little one wasn't interested in sharing it's sex with us just yet. We taped this session also and it was moving around less than in our previous ultrasounds. It was cramped in one corner of my tummy, sitting on it's legs with it's ankles tightly crossed!!! Looks like we have a modest little one on it's way!!! After seeing it today, I just don't think it's ready to be revealed yet and that's fine by me... but Dad is having a heart attack!;-)

Once again, it was a great relief just watching it's little heart beat! The little one has grown so much in the past few weeks. The baby was slightly bigger than the size of the palm of your hand... No wonder I'm starting to get a healthy looking baby bump! We were able to get a pretty good profile shot and I'm planning on putting it on display at home... at least until we get our 4D ultrasound in a few more months. We have pictures out of all of our other loved ones, why not our newest love??=) I am already so in love with our little one and am finding it hard to believe that we are almost halfway to the finish line! I am just so grateful that everything has worked out the way that it has!

We go back to try to find out what the baby is in 2 more weeks... hopefully if Chris and I give it a pep talk it will come out of it's shell more at the our next visit!;-)

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