Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy 2nd Anniversary Chris!

Two years ago today Chris and I were married. It was everything we had ever wanted and more! I am so grateful to share my life and future with my sweet husband.


In some ways it seems like we were married just yesterday, yet I have a hard time even remembering my life before you. The memories that we have made and continue to make bring so much happiness to my life! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I look so forward to sharing all of what life brings our way!!! (Can you believe this is OUR life?!?=))Regardless of what life throws our way, I'll always be right by your side. You are my FAVORITE!! I love you so much!

Love, C

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Daddy's first gift for Baby

Chris bought the Baby it's first gift from Daddy... and he set the bar high!;-) My Husband is just so sweet! Chris and I had made plans to go to Las Vegas with a group of work friends a few months ago before we knew the extent of my "Baby Blahs." Unfortunately I was unable to go, I just knew I couldn't physically do it, but Chris went on a much needed vacation! He had a blast and once he gets his pictures developed he's going to do an update and tell about his trip.
He was gone May 9-13, which also happened to fall over Mother's Day weekend. Apparently while he was on his trip he decided to make a quick trip into the Mecca for all things shiny and sparkly, Tiffany & Co.. He got Baby a very sweet keepsake- a sterling silver baby rattle/teething ring!!! When the baby is born Chris says we'll send it to New York and have it's Name and Birth date engraved.
I thought this was such a thoughtful gift to come from my sweet husband. He was wondering around Tiffany's and thought a baby gift would really make my day. Boy was he right!!! We have one lucky baby on the way!! I thought this was a very special gift and we certainly won't be expecting Daddy to bring us home a gift from Tiffany's too often;-)
~Thanks Again Sweetheart!!! I loved it and I know Baby will treasure it one day!=)

Watch our Baby Grow, 16 weeks!!!

As I've mentioned before, this blog is to share with our family and friends and to keep as personal record for ourselves. Throughout the remainder of our pregnancy I am going to periodically upload belly shots to mark my changing outward appearance. As you can see, at 16 weeks I have a little baby bump. If you don't know that I'm expecting you might just think that I have a tummy... BUT if you know we're pregnant, especially if you touch it, you can tell that it's all baby! YAY!!!=) I'll try to update again in about a month and we can see how the baby belly progresses!

Baby Carter at 16 weeks

We have some exciting news around the Carter House... I've started to feel the baby move!!! A few nights ago I was laying flat on my back and I felt something that felt like little popcorn popping in my stomach. I thought that was strange and then suddenly it dawned on me... I bet that was the baby moving. A few minutes later I felt it again and couldn't help but laugh. Such a sweet little blessing!=)
Here is what our baby is doing at 16 weeks:
How your baby's growing:At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, your baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, though, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. Her lower limbs are much more developed now. Her head is more erect than it has been, and her eyes have moved toward the front of her head. Your baby's ears are close to their final position, too. Some of her more advanced body systems are working, including her circulatory system and urinary tract. Her heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, circulating her total blood volume through her body many times. (By the end of your pregnancy, this will increase to about 190 quarts.) The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Conservative Little Monkey

Well I went this morning to find out what Baby C is... and the jury is still out! Our little one wasn't interested in sharing it's sex with us just yet. We taped this session also and it was moving around less than in our previous ultrasounds. It was cramped in one corner of my tummy, sitting on it's legs with it's ankles tightly crossed!!! Looks like we have a modest little one on it's way!!! After seeing it today, I just don't think it's ready to be revealed yet and that's fine by me... but Dad is having a heart attack!;-)

Once again, it was a great relief just watching it's little heart beat! The little one has grown so much in the past few weeks. The baby was slightly bigger than the size of the palm of your hand... No wonder I'm starting to get a healthy looking baby bump! We were able to get a pretty good profile shot and I'm planning on putting it on display at home... at least until we get our 4D ultrasound in a few more months. We have pictures out of all of our other loved ones, why not our newest love??=) I am already so in love with our little one and am finding it hard to believe that we are almost halfway to the finish line! I am just so grateful that everything has worked out the way that it has!

We go back to try to find out what the baby is in 2 more weeks... hopefully if Chris and I give it a pep talk it will come out of it's shell more at the our next visit!;-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fetal Heart Rate Doppler Fun!

Chris and I have a new toy! At our 10 week appointment the Dr. located our baby's heart rate by using her own in office doppler. It was such a reassurance to hear our baby's heart just beating away that we left thinking, "I wonder if we can get one of those at home!?!". After we got back to the office I started looking around online, pricing various models, comparing renting vs. purchasing until we discovered the option that worked the best for us. We settled on the FDA approved, 3 Mhz Sonotrax Fetal Heart rate Doppler. It has been so nice to hear our baby's heart just beating away whenever we want! I get anxious about her health occasionally and hearing it's heartbeat makes me feel so much better. Practically makes my day!


Well it's been over a month since my last post, but I have been busy. Mostly just sick, but being sick can really keep you busy! Around my last post I realized that I had lost far too much weight, was unable to eat or drink really anything and had begun to get depressed about my ability to meet the baby's needs and the long term effects that this could have on the baby. I had a mini-breakdown(pregnancy hormones!!) late one night and told Chris to call my Mom on his way to work the next morning and tell her I "needed her now". =)

Chris and I have very little help in the Birmingham area(other than my friends who work full-time) and since most of our family lives 2 hours away, I decided it would be best if I just went home to Florence with my Mother, Dad and Brothers. After my mother spoke to Chris and got my "desperation call" she took off work and was in Birmingham by the afternoon. The next two weeks are kind of a blur, so are the entire months of March and April for that matter=), but I know that I spent it in Florence with my sweet family taking really good care of me! Thanks a bunch Everyone!!! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and hope that our sweet little baby hasn't suffered any long term effects as a result of my sickness!

One really exciting thing did come out of my Florence trip- Baby made it's first recorded appearance. We went and had an ultrasound and wow, did that make me feel better! Everything looked perfectly normal with the baby and it was busy as a bee! I was amazed by how much our little angel was moving around!!! It was kicking it's legs and waving it's arms like it knew we were watching- PRECIOUS!! Our favorite moment is when our little bean tried to "stand up" and just stretched waaaayy out. It was like it was saying "get me out of here!!!" Hopefully the baby isn't planning any escape routes and it will settle down some before each kick and elbow jab hurts mommy!! ;-)

We have a tape of the ultrasound to share and we plan to make copies to DVD and send them out to those of you that we've promised them to. We haven't forgotten about you, we just wanted to get THIS weeks ultrasound on the tape also. That's right, this weeks ultrasound. Chris and I are headed to Florence tomorrow night for an early Friday morning appointment with our friend Beki, the ultrasound tech. Mom is going with us and we're really excited to share with everyone what we are having!=)

I can't wait to know if we are having a little Mister Carter or a little Miss Carter! People say that you usually have "mom's intuition" and have a pretty good idea of what you are going to have. I can honestly say I am CLUELESS!! I have bounced around throughout my pregnancy- one week thinking it's a boy, the next I think it's a girl! I think I have no idea because I really don't care one way or the other. I just wanted a healthy baby, that was what I was praying for! Not a boy necessarily or a girl, just a baby. Well that wish has been granted so I'm fine with whatever our first born is!=)

I have several small updates that I hope to make over the next few days so check back if you're interested... and of course I will have a HUGE update this weekend once we find out what Baby Carter is!=) I hope everyone is doing well!!!