Saturday, June 12, 2010

Florence Fun... Thursday

Mommy Caroline pushing her baby stroller around Nana's house.

Caroline disappeared for a few minutes while I was making breakfast... BUSTED!! I found her in the back of Nana's Walk in Closet!

Showing off her rain boots... Too Cute!

When I go home there are two places that I want to eat... Trowbridge's is one of them! Caroline hasn't been since she was 8 months old or so and I wanted to reintroduce her!

Nana keeping Caroline entertained while we waited for our lunch.

Awww... Kisses for Nana! Probably my favorite picture of the entire trip! Caroline just looked at her Nana and nailed her... so cute!

Sharing crackers with Nana...

Loving Trowbridge's and her grilled cheese.... Just wait until you get to the ice cream, baby!!;-)

Cutting her Grilled Cheese into bite-sized pieces with a little guidance.
Then we went to visit Great-Grandmother and Great-Granddaddy! Grandmother got her mini-bed ready for a 2 o'clock nap time that never came! She played so hard all afternoon and wouldn't give it up until 6 that afternoon... LOONNNGG Afternoon!

" What do you mean I can't play with the phone while it's connected to the phone line??"

Me and My Grandmother... I am so proud to be her namesake:-) She is Dorothy Lane, I am Christina Lane.
Caroline showing Great-Granddaddy that she is an Elephant! ha! ... that is a paper towel holder!

Two of my favorite people! Caroline and Great-Granddaddy took a walk out to the garden. Caroline loves to run wild outside!

Caroline wanted to eat a Blackberry so my Granddaddy picked one and blew it off and handed it to her. She decided that she also needed to blow it off, over and over!!!
One of their 2 plots... they work so hard on their garden every year and grow most of what they eat!

I was so inspired that I decided to take home "a few" tomato plants to put in planters on our back deck. I ended up with 6!! I tend to have a "black thumb" so we will see how it goes... The good news is I've had them for a few days and they are still hanging in there:-)

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