Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Allergies?? Please, No!

It would appear that my darling daughter may have some allergies. In her brief life we haven't had any difficulty at all with foods, soaps, detergents, lotions, etc, but suddenly Caroline has developed a rash- everywhere. Her back primarily, her stomach, her arms, her bend points... It's fairly mild, but it did appear to be causing my poor child some discomfort(scratching and such) so I took her to the Dr. today to have it checked out. Dr. R said that Caroline has eczema. Big Boo!!! Since my younger brother has eczema and asthma, which often go hand in hand, I am hoping this is a limited issue and that we will avoid the latter. 15-20% of Toddlers have eczema and Caroline has been otherwise healthy so we are grateful that this is the only health concern that we are dealing with.

Caroline has also been spending a lot more time outdoors and in the pool in the past few weeks so I mentioned that to the Dr, as well.

She asked me if we used sunscreen on Caroline and *DING DONG* why, yes, yes we do... I mean, it is essential to outdoor playtime these days. It just didn't occur to me that this is something new that we have been using. Especially since we use a sunscreen created specifically for babies. She said that she has had more children have sunscreen allergies lately than in previous years since the use of spray sunscreens have become more widespread and they are harsher formulas. She said Sunscreen Lotion is more gentle and that we may need to try several brands to find one that works for us. For now, it's farewell easy Sunscreen Spray, Hello Hydrocortisone! The doctor recommended that we use it frequently until the rash subsides.

I hope this is just a fluke and that the sunscreen really is causing her to have an outbreak of eczema as opposed to grass, which was my original assumption. I can change lotions but I cannot get rid of the grass;-) As much as Little C loves to play outside, limiting that would be such a shame!

Now, off to Walgreen's we go to stock up on Hydrocortisone!!!

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