Saturday, October 9, 2010

10 Year High School Reunion

The weekend of the Arkansas game we went to Chris' 10 year High School Reunion in Collierville, TN, a suburb of Memphis, while Caroline went to play with Nana in Florence. It was great to go back to his "hometown" and re-visit the place where we spent 6 months of our early married life. Still glad we moved back;-)

On Friday night we went to the obligatory High School Football Game. Chris played in high school so it was nice to get a history lesson in his life, pre-college. Football was a huge part of those crazy high school years for him, so it was great meeting teammates and coaches from his glory days. I actually wore his high school jersey, since he asked me to; ), and was proud to sport the number for Mr. 57... wish I had taken a picture!!!

On Saturday we went to a nice picnic to meet the families of some of his classmates.

Picture from the cocktail party his class had at an awesome loft apartment downtown. Great location, great time!

Ok... this is totally random, but all of the Chris-football talk reminds me of a funny moment about 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure I've never written this here.. I'm sure the family will get a kick out of it!

When I had Caroline a few years ago and we were at the hospital all of the nurses had spread around that Chris was a former Alabama Football player. They were even debating the years that they remembered him playing. My honey just looks like a big ole lineman doesn't he?? haha! Actually, Chris still talks about the fact that he still has 4 years of eligibility left! ;-)

He is so going to kill me for putting this here!! Love ya, honey : )

A Little TJC Time

*She wasn't trying to hit... she was actually going for another "high five", since Chris gave her a high five for climbing up there... teaching bad habits, I tell ya!! They are really cute playing together, though!

Passed out at Daddy's office after a fun day at school. Poor Thing!!! : ) She slept like that for over an hour until I woke her up and put her in her car seat to go home. Not sure how she found that comfortable. ha!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Alabama Football

This weekend is the first weekend that we have spent "at home" in the past 6 weekends.... and I am so ready! Being huge Alabama Football fans we go to every home game and have been to one away game to date. We love going to Tuscaloosa and tailgating with the same group of people every year. My Uncle Bobby, who is currently serving in Afghanistan introduced me to these good people and since he is unable to join us so far this year, I am made him a little sign and took pictures of some of the crew so he would know he was there with us in spirit! The good news is: he will be home very soon! Yay, Uncle B!!

Caroline went with us to the first game. We have a goal of taking her to at least once a year and we got that checked of the list on the first game. She really did fairly well at the game, though I did feel terribly sorry for the kind people sitting in front of us. My bucking bronco kicked and climbed their seats(and ours) for part of the game. She was also a trooper for most of it: )Fortunately, we have made friends with the people sitting around us over the past 5 years that we have been in our seats and they told us to bring her back whenever we can. I think her smile gets 'em every time;-)
Penn State

Chris and Mal Moore
When we were leaving Durham we ran into Barry Krauss, "Mr. THE Goal Line Stand" in the airport. Chris saw him and had to get a picture. He was super nice and spent about 5 minutes talking football with two very common Alabama Football fans.


Since Caroline was starting to school, I just knew I was going to have oodles of free time on my hands. Time to go grocery shopping ALONE, run errands, straighten the house, do the volunteer work I crave, etc. With this in mind, I signed up months ago to organize my neighborhood's fall festival. When I say neighborhood, that may give you the impression of something small... but I live in Birmingham and my neighborhood consists of 1500 homes, 3 parks to choose from, and probably just under a thousand children. I need to get figures on that. ha!

BUT, now I know that 4 hours twice a week seems to fly by when you have big plans. The HL Fall Festival has been a larger undertaking that I ever imagined and my days and the free time that I formerly blogged in have been hijacked by more emails, phone calls, meetings, etc than I dreamed of. I am so lucky to have a couple of awesome ladies that are co-chairing with me and together we are maintaining our sanity! ha! We've all worked our tails off and for the most part, it has been a blast! I'm so glad that I did it, however I'm not necessarily planning to do it again. It has been an experience!

So, now I hope you understand why I've been silent for a bit... I've just been too busy livin life to stop and share it;-) I hope you all are doing just great!!!

First Day of School

Caroline had her first day of Mother's Day Out or "school", as we call it on Sept 9. She had a good first day, but did suffer from a bit of separation anxiety. This is not uncommon for little ones and I'm glad that we are starting her 2 days a week now. She is so attached to me that I know it would just become more and more difficult for her to allow others to keep her. The first day of school was also the first time that someone other than family had kept Caroline in her entire 22 months. I was thrilled when we arrived to realize I had met Caroline's teachers before! I met the two of them when they brought their children to Caroline's Gym.boree class to visit. What luck!!!
Almost a month in, Caroline LOVES the activities that they do during the day, even if she does still occasionally get a bit weepy when Daddy drops her off in the mornings. They do art projects, sing, read, and Caroline's personal favorite- play outside!! She is a "'side!!!" girl! Her teacher told me that of all the children my little princess seems to love outdoor time the most. Makes a Mommy proud;-)
Caroline goes on "fall break" on Monday so we are making a quick jaunt to Florence to get some "hometown playtime" in;-)