Friday, October 8, 2010


Since Caroline was starting to school, I just knew I was going to have oodles of free time on my hands. Time to go grocery shopping ALONE, run errands, straighten the house, do the volunteer work I crave, etc. With this in mind, I signed up months ago to organize my neighborhood's fall festival. When I say neighborhood, that may give you the impression of something small... but I live in Birmingham and my neighborhood consists of 1500 homes, 3 parks to choose from, and probably just under a thousand children. I need to get figures on that. ha!

BUT, now I know that 4 hours twice a week seems to fly by when you have big plans. The HL Fall Festival has been a larger undertaking that I ever imagined and my days and the free time that I formerly blogged in have been hijacked by more emails, phone calls, meetings, etc than I dreamed of. I am so lucky to have a couple of awesome ladies that are co-chairing with me and together we are maintaining our sanity! ha! We've all worked our tails off and for the most part, it has been a blast! I'm so glad that I did it, however I'm not necessarily planning to do it again. It has been an experience!

So, now I hope you understand why I've been silent for a bit... I've just been too busy livin life to stop and share it;-) I hope you all are doing just great!!!

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