Yesterday we went for the "Big" 21 week ultrasound and got to see Miss Priss again!=) I got to take two people with me and since Mom was in town to celebrate our Birthdays with us, we asked her to join us! Little Carter was wide awake and kicking around. She was also fairly photogenic! Unfortunately the picture above didn't scan in as clearly as it is in person, but that is actually her entire body. In our picture you can clearly see her profile. She has chunky cheeks already, high cheekbones and a cute little button nose. Her head is on the left, body runs along to the right and just above her head is one of her little feet. I know it's probably hard to see how that all fits together but she's curled up in a tight little ball! She's still breech, which isn't that unusual at 21 weeks. At this point, it just means that we will need to get another ultrasound around 32 weeks to confirm that she did indeed "flip" into a downward position. If she is still breech at that point, which would be highly unlikely, we will have another ultrasound at 37 weeks, last call, and then start planning a C-Section. Chris and I honestly have no preference as to how our child is born... we just want her to get here safely and for me to get through delivery, however that may be, safely. Only time will tell and I am just fine with going with the flow!
As far as baby's health goes, everything checked out perfectly. Thank Goodness! All organs were functioning properly, no cleft pallet, and her little fingers on her hands were opening and closing just as they should, which puts her in the clear for certain chromosomal abnormalities. We feel so lucky that our baby is growing just as she should be. She measured perfectly at 21wk0d, which is exactly where she should have been! We are right on schedule for our November 4th due date, which is actually the date of the 2008 Presidential Election. Looks like Chris and I will be voting absentee this year, just in case;-)
We were able to get the "It's a Girl" shot. She is 100% a girl! Our ultrasound tech was really nice and she said she would bet anything she had that our little one is a girl. Since we already knew she was a girl, we were not surprised. I'm sure that our little girl will be so upset one day when she sees this glorious shot plastered on the internet for all of her close friends and family to see! I'll get a big "Thanks Mom!!";-) But for now, all of you are welcome to share in our joy and see our 100% proof positive that our first Baby Carter is indeed a Miss!
Name?? Does our Baby have a name??? Well yes, yes she does. However, I'm not sharing!!!=) Chris agreed to a girl name about a month ago and has been having some second thoughts in the past few weeks. Chris and I have some what different taste in names. He likes trendy and I like traditional, but not stuffy names. Unfortunately the only name that he has suggested is also a name that I could NEVER name my child. Lately Chris has been calling our little one the girl name that we had previously chosen, so things are looking up! We will let you all know in the next few weeks after our big vacation what her name will be! We need to share with a few more special people before we "go public";-)
Thanks for checking in!!