Sunday, April 6, 2008

What would we do without my Mom???

I truly have no idea what Chris and I would do without my Mother! I have been SO sick and really struggling just to get through the days. A good day for me in the past weeks has been successfully consuming a meal or maybe getting out of the house to pick up some food or goods for the house, and honestly these goals were rarely achieved. No ambitious agenda over here! It has just been impossible for me to even keep my housework up considering that walking, talking, or smelling strong odors(food or household cleaners) reduces me to a sick mess. Pitiful, I know! Now that I'm feeling somewhat better, I feel better about talking it!
I'm normally not much of a complainer so I've really kept just how truly sick I've been as quiet as possible. There is no need for other people to worry since there is nothing to be done. But of course, my mom knew better!!! Keeping it from my mother was impossible because she's been so wonderful since I've been pregnant. She calls all of the time to check on me, concerned about how I'm feeling. Other than taking medication, there is nothing that can be done about how I've felt so my mother just had to find another way to help.
My sweet mother, who works all week herself, spent her entire weekend at my house cleaning it from top to bottom, doing load after load of laundry, and cooking us some yummy food! How wonderful is she?? I am so lucky to have a mother that will sacrifice her time and energy to lighten my load! Just knowing that everything on my to-do list is caught up is such a relief!
***Thanks again Mother!! Chris and I appreciate your help more than you could ever know!! You have made this all so much easier on me and I am so grateful for that! You are the only one that really seems to understand... You will be a fabulous grandmother, just as you are a loving and supportive Mom. Come back soon;-)***
This morning when we woke up Mom pulled me aside and said she had something she wanted to show me. Mom is so excited about being a grandmother and sharing this with us she wrote a note that she wanted me to publish on my Blog to share with all of the people that are important in our lives. Read it below!

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