Monday, May 31, 2010

Someone needs a Camera Upgrade...

I mentioned earlier that most of the pictures that I take are on my IPhone. It's convenient since most of the time my phone is attached to my hip. I *heart* my IPhone!

Unfortunately, quality is an issue with those pictures and since we are no longer going every 3 months for professional pictures(Thank you, Letson's!) I would love to take better quality photos of my family at home. I am currently using this bad boy, although it is NOT pink... a Sony Cybershot that I purchased before I became pregnant with Caroline. Aside from the fact that technology changes so rapidly, this camera auto focuses which is a major pain when attempting to take pictures of a busy 18 month old. She does something cute, I click to take the picture, and two seconds later Caroline is already running off to do something new... adorable shot missed! A Sad Mommy made:-( And, I'm left with about 20 shots of Caroline's back! haha... It is an adorable back, though;-)

I'm doing some research and given that we just celebrated our 4th anniversary, I think that would be a lovely, useful gift to give to ourselves. Come to think of it, I probably should have run this by Chris first, haha! I'll let you know what I get and hopefully I'll take lots of pictures and share them soon. We play outside every day, sometimes several times a day so I'm looking forward to some sweet shots in our neighborhood.

To Blog or not to Blog?

So per the usual, I am feeling guilty about not continuing to blog when our family and friends really enjoy hearing about our lives and request continued posting. Guilt: the greatest motivation in the world!:-) I send out daily(maybe almost daily...) emails to our friends and family with cute IPhone pics and stories from our daily lives. It is easy to do from my phone and it allows me to share the cute every day moments of life with my favorites.

True to form, I have decided to create a list of pros and cons as to whether I should continue blogging. I do know that the majority of my concerns could be eliminated by going private... which I initially intended to do. Then I realized that I would be cutting out some of the people that enjoy reading about us the most and that didn't feel right either. So here goes nothing...


1. Sharing with family, friends, etc. about our daily lives. Makes them happy, makes me happy!
2. Scrapbooking without the paper mess;-)
3. Reflection: Goodness knows I never ponder my life... I'm busy dealing with it. ha!
4. Sharing our experiences, imparting our wisdom: Those that know better, do better!
5. I enjoy keeping a journal. It reminds me of how fortunate I am in many ways. Grateful Girl.=)


1. It is strange when people that you barely know, know so much about your everyday life! I experienced this first hand before Caroline was born.
2. Security reasons: we live in a gated community, but there are crazies out there! I have to protect my lovies.
3. Regarding personal information, how much is too much? I'm an open book for the most part but it can be awkward when people overshare! I would tell close family things that I wouldn't tell say, people from Caroline's play class.
4. Opening yourself up to criticism: Unfortunately, everyone doesn't always have the purest of intentions... why would I want to deal with that??

Are you laughing with me yet?!? So as you can see, the Pros win! However, I will say that the Cons are far more emotionally loaded... something I didn't realize until this moment.

I guess I'll just hope that those that find us interesting a) aren't crazy and b) aren't hateful. That would solve all of my Cons!!!

And I'm Back!!!