Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Busy Year for The Carters: Business, Business, Business and a Baby!!!

This year is going to be the Busiest yet for the Carters! As many of you know we have had TJC Mortgage for 3 years now and it continues to grow and become something that our family is very proud of. If you know Chris, you know that he is a walking, talking Entrepreneur. Always being creative and coming up with new potential businesses... one business is never enough. We sit around at night and brainstorm new business ideas, but it really is loads of fun! Never a dull moment!! This year, we have two new businesses jump starting in the next few months.
The first, which officially "opens" on Friday, is Take a Look!!! Yes, we are jumping into the .com business arena! The website is meant to be used as a tool for Alabamians, or really anyone in the Southeast, to go get LOCAL quotes on Mortgages or Insurance and can even help you find a real estate agent to meet your current needs. It's a really great niche because most Alabamians, when given the choice, would prefer to work with another Alabamian on a major transaction than some stranger in California or Connecticut. After all, when refinancing or making a new home purchase you discuss your credit, your income, your monthly expenditures with someone you barely know. It's nice to know that someone that knows so much about your personally life and finances could potentially have other things in common with you... ex. Alabama Football Fan, Grew up in the same small town you did... and you become more than just another client, you form a solid, yet friendly business relationship and trust that your best interest will be the primary focus. For now we will only be advertising in Alabama, but in time we may expand. We are really excited about and hope it takes off!!
The second is a new Title and Appraisal company that is currently being put together. This one is still in the planning stages, but we expect it to be up and running in the next few months. I'll talk more about this later when we are closer to the "Grand Opening";-) We obviously have built in clientele, so it should be a smooth transition.
I just hope that we can get all of this started up and then get settled in and work out all the kinks before the baby gets here. I am just so proud of my husband, and his incredible ambition, and I know that Chris wants to make our little family proud of him!!! (Could we really be more proud??;-)) Goodness knows our priorities will change dramatically once we become Parents, so I'm glad that we are taking a few more leaps before we have a new primary focus.


Bevin said...

HI Christina! Congratulations on the baby on the way. Hope you start feeling better soon. I'm so excited for you! Sounds like things are going really great!! Tell that brother of your's (Trey)hey for me. How is he doing?

Christina Carter said...

Hey Bevin! Thanks for the Congrats on the Baby... we are really excited! Your little one is absolutely adorable! I hope life in Texas is treating you all well! Trey's living and working in Florence and has had a wonderful girlfriend, Amanda, that we all love to death for 4+ years!
I'll let Trey know that you asked about him!!