Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm Coming Back, I Promise!!!!

So much has been going on since Caroline was born and I fully intend to catch you all up on everything! I am going to be back dating some entries from her birth forward so I can keep record of everything that has happened! Without question my life since my little one arrived has been the most happy, yet exhausting, time of my life. Check back over the next few days for updates!!! I hope everyone is doing well!!=)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Caroline's Christmas Loot!

Sure... it's a bit ridiculous. We know this!! THIS is what our little one got for her first Christmas.

After looking at this picture it was easy for us to see that Santa may have gotten a bit caught up and gone overboard on the presents... after all, that is not what Christmas is about, is it!?!=) In Santa's defense, she did get quite a few books and developmental toys that she will really use in the months too come. In the mean time, they are taking up quite a bit of space in my living room! So, we are now toy box shopping!